St. Louis, MO Pool Inspection Determines Spa Damage Caused by Extreme Winds

Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to inspect the damage sustained by an above-ground spa in St. Louis, MO, after the extreme winter months. High winds destroyed the paneling around the spa, as well as the spa cover. In addition, a lightning strike destroyed the electrical equipment to the spa. Our inspector determined that the entire unit needed to be replaced.

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Vinyl Pool Liner with Sun Rot

Covina, CA Pool Liner Tears from Sun Rot

Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to inspect a torn swimming pool liner in Covina, CA to determine what caused this tear, and what could be done to fix it. Our inspector found that the liner had “sun rot,” which can happen to vinyl liners through normal wear and tear.  Read more


Riverside, CA Pool Inspection Finds Algae in Pool Caused by Improper Care

When Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called upon to determine the cause of excess algae in a Riverside, CA pool, we find that while the homeowner claimed they were properly maintaining the pool, our inspection showed otherwise. The homeowner claimed that trash being thrown in the pool from an adjacent public sidewalk was the cause of the discolored water; however, our inspector determined that the homeowner was not diligent in maintaining and treating his swimming pool water.

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Discovery Bay, CA Pool Inspector Accurately Assesses Fire Damage

A pool in Discovery Bay, CA was allegedly damaged by a fire, but our inspector finds otherwise. The homeowners claimed a fire that occurred one year prior had damaged the filter equipment and that it would need to be replaced. Our inspector performed a thorough assessment and determined that it was not a fire, but the homeowner’s own negligence that had damaged the pool. Read more


Poor Craftsmanship in Lansdale, PA Swimming Pool Results in Major Repairs

Inground swimming pools that have not been built to industry standards will see more issues and damage down the line. This is especially true in the winter months, when the ground may expand and contract due to freezing temperatures. Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to inspect a Lansdale, PA pool to determine the cause of broken tiling, and found a much bigger problem. Read more


Cantilever Decking Causes Problems for Northridge, CA Pool

When a homeowner in Northridge, CA noticed tree roots poking through the cracked tiles of her inground swimming pool, Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to the California home to assess the cause of the damage and make a recommendation for repairs. What our inspector found was a significant issue with the cantilever decking that required a long-term solution.

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Is a Plaster Job Justified for Stains in a Rancho Santa Margarita, CA Pool and Spa?

CASE STUDY: When a homeowner claimed there were rust stains in his Rancho Santa Margarita, CA pool, an expert swimming pool inspector determined that the homeowner’s own negligence in caring for his pool was the real cause.

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