Bethlehem, PA Swimming Pool Inspection

Swimming Pool Inspection in Bethlehem, PA

After a storm causes damage to a Bethlehem, PA swimming pool, Swimming Pool Inspection Services inspects the pool for further damage.

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Caring For Your Pool During El Nino

El Niño, Your Pool, and You

With scientists and weather experts warning that this could be one of the most severe El Niño’s we’ve seen in years, it is important for homeowners to prepare their homes for the deluge that may be coming.

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Why Do Pools Turn Green?

Why Do Pools Turn Green?

Testing Tips and tricks on keeping your pool water blue, and what to do if your pool turns green.

Why Do Pools Turn Green?

If you followed the 2016 Olympics in Rio, you have undoubtedly seen the now-famous diving pool, that turned a murky green color and had a foul odor coming from it. Before they ultimately shut down the pool and completely drained it, divers were still using the pool for events, and complaining of itchy skin, irritated eyes, and infections spreading through the swampy water. While a green pool may be an inconvenience for a homeowner, a green pool at the Olympics is nothing short of a nightmare.

Many people wondered, can’t they just put more chlorine in the pool and clean it up? Why did the pool turn green in the first place, and why was it so difficult to turn back to clear blue? Swimming Pool Inspection Services has some tips and tricks for you on keeping up the health and well being of your pool’s water.  Read more

Los Angeles, CA Pool Inspection Finds Cracked Expansion Joint

Pool Inspection Finds Cause of Cracking in Pools

Swimming Pool Inspection Services was recently called on to provide an estimate for cost to repair a large crack in the decking of an inground swimming pool. An engineer had already examined the pool, and it was determined that the crack was caused by the lack of an expansion joint between the coping and the pool deck.

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Do You Need a Structural Engineer for a Pool Claim?

In my career of doing pool inspections, I have found that Structural Engineers and Pool Inspectors each have their place when dealing with insurance claims  involving pools or spas. If the damage is structural, a structural engineer can tell what happened. However, they may not tell you why the damage occurred (Cause of Loss).

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Memorial Day Pool Tips

Looking for Confidence In a Pool Inspector?

A swimming pool is one of the most valuable assets in a home. It can also be one of the most costly to deal with if something goes wrong. That’s why having someone you can trust is a key factor when hiring a pool inspector.

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Above Ground Pool Inspection in Bath, PA

Swimming Pool inspection Services inspected an above-ground pool in Bath, PA that was damaged by wind.

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cottage grove, MN hot tub inspection

Hot Tub Damaged by Lightning in Cottage Grove, MN

When a hot tub in Cottage Grove, MN became majorly damaged, Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to determine if a lightning strike was the cause of damage.

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Wellington, NJ Swimming Pool Inspection

Wellington, NJ Swimming Pool Inspection

When a Wellington, NJ swimming pool liner becomes damaged, Swimming Pool Inspection Services investigates to find the cause of loss.

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Mount Airy, ND Swimming Pool Inspection

Ice and Snow Damage in Mount Airy, ND Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool Inspection Services investigates a Mount Airy, ND swimming pool to determine the cause of damage to the pool cover.

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