West Bend, WI Pool Inspection

West Bend, WI Above-Ground Pool Inspection

A semi-frozen above-ground pool loses water during the freezing Wisconsin winter.

After a few months of extremely cold weather, a frozen above-ground swimming pool begins to lose water. Swimming Pool Inspection Services is called out to inspect the pool and determine the cause of the damage, as well as provide an estimate for repairs.

Initial Consultation on West Bend, WI Pool

Our inspector spoke with the homeowner at the West Bend property. The homeowner stated that he was unable to properly winterize his above-ground pool before the weather got cold.He was finally able to winterize his pool only after it was frozen approximately 3/4″. A few months later, he noticed the pool cover pulling, and noted that the water level in the pool had lowered significantly, about 12 inches. Our inspector visited the pool and made the following observations:

  • The water level was about halfway up the pool (24-28”).
  • The pool wall had crushed downward about 8” on one side.
  • The bottom of the pool had been crushed into folds, similar to an accordion.
  • The water level was slightly lower than the water mark left after the rains.
  • The top ledge and uprights of the pool were not damaged.

Analysis of Above-Ground Pool Damage

After thoroughly inspecting the pool and adjacent areas, our inspector made the following comments on the pool’s damage:

The water level was in line with the insured’s statement about the rainfall filling the pool.
The water level being slightly lower than the water mark left after the rains indicated a possible leak in the liner.

  • The damage was not cased by frost; had the damage been caused by frost, it is likely the pool would have heaved upwards – not crushed downward. Since the top ledge was unaffected, it appeared not to be damaged by frost.
  • Nor was the damage was caused by ground settling because the uprights remained in place and had not settled.
  • Because the water level was slightly lower on the day of observation than it had been after the rain, it is likely that a slow leak was present. The leak would allow continued internal freezing to occur in the pool after the cover had been put on for the winter. A slow leak would allow the water level under the layer of ice to drop, resulting in the ice being supported only by the pool wall, which subsequently crushed under the weight of the ice.
  • The pool will need to be replaced due to the crushed wall.

Cause of Loss and Repair Estimates for West Bend, WI Pool

Our inspector determined that a slow leak in the liner caused the water that would usually be underlying the ice to drain out of the pool. This caused the ice to be supported by the pool wall, which subsequently crushed under its weight. In some cases, an above-ground pool can be repaired; but often times, it is not safe to repair it, and the entire unit must be replaced. Unfortunately, this was one of those cases. While repairing an above-ground pool can be less expensive, it is often unsightly, and can never really be made to be as safe as it originally was. Our inspector estimated that replacing the pool would cost around $6,757.00.

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