Fond du Lac, WI Pool Inspection

Fond du Lac, WI Pool Damaged by Deer

When a deer fell into a Fond du Lac, WI pool, Swimming Pool Inspection Services is called upon to inspect the damage and determine if the pool was repairable.

Fond du Lac, WI Swimming Pool Inspection

After a homeowner claimed that a deer fell into their swimming pool in Fond du Lac, WI, Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called out to inspect the pool and determine the cause of damage and whether or not the pool is reparable.

Our inspector visited the property in question and spoke with the insured. The insured explained that a deer had fallen into the pool sometime in late October. The insured also noted that this was not the first time she’d had to deal with deer entering her pool. She went on to explain that when the deer was trying to get out of the pool, it damaged the liner and water leaked out of the pool.

The insured explained that she was unable to winterize the pool because of the damage to the liner. The insured also noticed that the pool walls were collapsing. The insured explained that she didn’t call to get her pool fixed when the damage initially occurred, because it would have been difficult to find a pool repairman during the off season. She also noted that the pool and the pool liner were both 16 years old.

Inspection Observations

Our inspector performed a thorough inspection of the pool and surrounding areas, and made the following observations

  • Orange netting surrounded a portion of the pool.
  • The pool was not property back filled.
  • There was no water in the pool.
  • The pool had not been property winterized.
  • There were several tears in the liner of the pool.
  • The structure of the pool was collapsing.

Analysis of Fond du Lac, WI Pool Inspection

Our inspector noted that the pool and the pool liner were 16 years old, which supports that the pool was well maintained. Proper backfilling would have helped secure the pool when the water leaked out. Since the pool was empty, the walls of the pool had no support. This lack of support led to the pool walls collapsing. The insured had placed orange netting around the pool to prevent further damage from other deer trying to get into her pool.  Our inspector also determined that, unfortunately, this pool was not repairable.

Cause of Loss in Fond du Lac, WI Pool Inspection

It was the opinion of our inspector that the following took place: Damage caused by the deer allowed water to drain from the pool prior to the winter season. With no water in the pool and the pool improperly backfilled, the pool’s integrity was compromised and the walls collapsed.

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