Hightstown, NJ Wooden Pool Collapse

Hightstown, NJ Wooden Swimming Pool Collapse

Swimming Pool Inspection Services is called out to determine why a Hightstown, NJ wooden inground pool collapsed.

Wooden Pool Collapses in Hightstown, NJ

An inspector from Swimming Pool Inspection Services was called upon to inspect a collapsed wooden inground swimming pool in Hightstown, NJ. After a bout of poor weather, our inspector was asked to determine what had caused the collapse, and if the bad weather had contributed to it.

Our inspector visited the property in question and spoke with the insured, who explained that she did not know the age of the pool, but that she had resided at the property for 11 years with no prior issues with the pool.

Inspection Observations

Our inspector performed a thorough inspection of the pool and surrounding areas, and made the following observations:

  • The pool was a 16’x32’ rectangle.
  • The pool walls were constructed of wood.
  • The wood walls of the pool had rotted away and crumbled when touched.
  • There were large bulges under the liner.

Though the age of the pool was not known, our inspector estimated that the pool as likely 30-40 years old.

Analysis of Inspection Findings

Our inspector determined that when the wood walls rotted away, it caused the coping to collapse from the concrete deck. The bulging under the liner was the dirt behind the wall that had collapsed from beneath the concrete deck into the pool.

Our inspector also determined that the pool was not repairable and replacing the pool (or filling it in with dirt and landscaping) is recommended.

Cause of Loss in Hightstown, NJ Swimming Pool

It was the opinion of our inspector that the pool’s collapse was caused by the deteriorated wood, and that the deterioration was caused by age and normal wear and tear.

Our inspector recommended that the insured may wish to fill in the pool with dirt and landscape it, because rebuilding the pool would cost close to $30,000, while filling it in would cost under $7,000.

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